Reduced use of undocumented spreadsheets that create troublesome audit challenges 

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Experience Effortless Compliance

Accelerated Underwriting

Purpose-built for your needs, Sapiens ReinsurancePro and ReinsuranceMaster facilitate effortless compliance for comprehensive and transformative reporting.

Automate reinsurance Schedule F preparation for easy reporting

Nobody looks forward to annual regulatory filings, especially P&C reinsurance executives responsible for completing the NAIC Schedule F filing. Reporting is time consuming, complicated, and of limited use with only point-in-time views.
But Schedule F reporting for reinsurance activity doesn’t need to be a challenge.

With Sapiens ReinsurancePro and ReinsuranceMaster, reinsurers can experience effortless regulatory compliance. Both platforms automate Schedule F reporting to ensure data quality, completeness, and timeliness. Sapiens Reinsurance fully automates Schedule F preparation to generate a complete audit trail.

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SECURA Selects Sapiens

Purpose-built for the unique needs of workers’ compensation, they discuss how Sapiens’ systems support their operations and how our partnerships are fueling growth.


Single platform for large and multi-national reinsurance programs, providing full financial control across all LOBs


Efficiently automate the entire underwriting and administration of reinsurance for insurers

Secura needed a comprehensive solution to support their reinsurance operations, including their annual NAIC Schedule F regulatory filing. See how Sapiens reinsurance solutions helped them maximize efficiencies and increase profitability.


Schedule F Reporting with Sapiens Reinsurance Solutions

Today’s P&C carriers require innovative solutions for streamlined Schedule F filing. Learn how Sapiens ReinsuranceMaster and ResinsurancePro platforms are uniquely designed to address annual reporting and compliance challenges.

On-demand creation of a one-click, Schedule F “mirror image,” which enables a review of the Schedule F statement before data is exported to your statutory reporting system 

5 Essentials for Seamless Schedule F Reporting

For seamless Schedule F filing, carriers need to combine best practices with advanced automation for a frictionless and comprehensive reporting experience. See how it's possible with these 5 essentials.

Up-to-date alerts of state-by-state reporting requirement changes 

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Schedule F Brochure

Schedule F Reporting with Sapiens Reinsurance Solutions

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Schedule F eBook

5 Essentials for Seamless Schedule F Reporting

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Schedule F Blog

Meeting the Schedule F Challenge

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Celent Report

Celent Ceded Reinsurance Solutions Global Edition 2023 placed Sapiens’ Reinsurance Solutions in the top tiers of its Technical Capability Matrix

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“Sapiens reinsurance solutions reduced our level of effort for Schedule F reporting by 75%”, 

said a Senior Reinsurance Executive of a multinational insurance carrier.

Sapiens’ NAIC Schedule F reporting capabilities include:

ReinsurancePro and ReinsuranceMaster meet all your configuration requirements. Our professional services organization provides complete training and support. 

Schedule F capabilities are sold with Sapiens ReinsurancePro and ReinsuranceMaster, enabling P&C carriers to handle all reinsurance activities on a single platform with full financial control and auditing support.  Both have been recognized by Celent as being best in class based on functional and technical capabilities.

Celent Ceded Reinsurance Solutions Global Edition 2023 placed Sapiens’ Reinsurance Solutions in the top tiers of its Technical Capability Matrix, which ranks solutions according to Advanced Technology and Breadth of Functionality.  ReinsuranceMaster was named a “Luminary” solution, the top tier in the matrix, and ReinsurancePro was named a “Functionality Standout” the second-highest placement.

Meeting the Schedule F Challenge

Few, if any, carriers look forward to Schedule F reporting season. With so many dependent on legacy systems, preparation remains time-consuming and complex. But established best practices can turn onerous efforts into simplified and efficient steps.

Change in Schedule F reporting is constant, but Sapiens thought leadership provides the insights and answers that carriers need to meet their compliance goals.

Eliminate the Schedule F Headache

5 Top Tips for Schedule F Reporting

Insurers can ease the annual burden of Schedule F filing with solutions that automate calculations and data entry, without cumbersome spreadsheets. Darren Graves, Sales Executive, Reinsurance, explains how Sapiens Reinsurance solutions can streamline the process for accurate and pain-free reporting.

NAIC Schedule F preparation requires close attention to detail, adherence to industry regulations, and strict data governance. Watch as Craig Robinson, Sapiens’ VP for Reinsurance, shares 5 top tips for Schedule F filing to ensure reliable reporting on reinsurance transactions.