“Sapiens Decision enabled us to dramatically increase our underwriting STP and accelerate our time to market”
- Tim Lenahan, (former) Director of Underwriting and Rating, Allstate -
Interested in learning more about Decision Underwriting Accelerator?
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Level-up your straight through processing (STP) to 95%+ for underwriting personal lines and automate decisions that are just too fine grained for rule engines. Analyze business logic for new products or market strategies and quickly assess profitability across your underwriting book. Accelerate your change cycle for rule changes by up to 80%.
The Underwriting Accelerator offering from Sapiens Decision is an integrated set of decision management software tools and best practices, complete with a robust portfolio of pre-built underwriting decision models and framework for personal lines that can be deployed within weeks.
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Tim Lenahan, former project executive at Allstate, describes how the Underwriter Accelerator can be put into production within weeks
Tim Lenahan describes how new experiences were created for agents and customers
Increase STP up to 96% by automating rules at a deeper level and reduce your processing costs by $millions.
Model and test different versions of your underwriting book to identify strategies for product changes or market penetration by state or holistically.
Reduce cycle times in updating rules by up to 80%. Validate the integrity of the logic and the desired conclusions with no gaps, conflicts or overlaps in business logic… ever.
Create seamless user experiences by eliminating “tech speak” that annoys your agents and customers. Get contextually relevant messages written in plain English that explain the reason for a conclusion.
Accelerate time to market with no-code, highly visual modeling tools, designed for business analysts, that enable direct authoring and testing of business logic, with robust governance and auto deployment to code.
Operationalize Machine Learning models using deterministic models that display transparent logic